AGS 2024
Genealogical Symposium
Genealogy Guides
Join us for a day-long in-person or virtual symposium to explore
how to research different kinds of genealogical records.
In-person Registration Fee: AGS Members: $47.00 Non-Members $57.00
Virtual Registration Fee: AGS Members: $25.00 Non-Members $35.00
how to research different kinds of genealogical records.
In-person Registration Fee: AGS Members: $47.00 Non-Members $57.00
Virtual Registration Fee: AGS Members: $25.00 Non-Members $35.00
This link will take you to the AGS Square Store. Please, scroll down to register for the Symposium.
Four sessions included:
Session 1: Mistakes I Have Made
- Confessions of a Repentant Genealogist Let's face it. We all make mistakes when we are doing something new. True confessions: as a beginning and not-so-beginning genealogist, I made them all. I still do, if I am not careful. This session shares examples of the most common genealogy errors with examples from my own experiences. Learn what NOT to do and how to avoid making these mistakles withyour research. |
Session 3: Evidence: Direct, Indirect, or Negative?
It Depends! Do you know the difference between Direct, Indirect, and Negative evidence? Are you confused about why it matters? In this session, examples of each of the three types of genealogy evidence will be presented, along with explanations on how to recognize and use each to climb your family tree. |
Session 2: Someone to Watch Over Me -
Guardianship Records An often-overlooked record within a probate package, guardianship records for underage children - even when their mother was still living - and for those deemed unable to care for themselves, can contain important clues to family, living conditions, and so much more! |
Session 4: Collateral Records- The Secret Sauce Finding Family Records
Your ancestors didn't live and have experiences alone. Researching collateral lines may be the secret sauce you need to find the clues that will answer genealogy questions. What is collateral research? Research family members of whom you are not a descendant to find clues to your own lineage. |
Cheri Hudson Passey

Cheri Hudson Passey is a professional genealogist, instructor, writer, speaker, and owner of Carolina Girl Genealogy, LLC. She is the host of the YouTube genealogy chat show GenFriends and is a genealogical researcher, subcontracted by Eagle Investigative Services, Inc., for the US Army Past
Conflict Repatriations Branch. She is involved in many genealogy societies and organizations and currently serves as National Genealogical Society Vice President of Society and Organization Management.
Conflict Repatriations Branch. She is involved in many genealogy societies and organizations and currently serves as National Genealogical Society Vice President of Society and Organization Management.
A limited number of vendor tables are available for $10.00 each. A maximum of 2 people may staff each table. Lunch is also available for vendors at $27.00 per person. If you want to share your information or products at the Symposium, please click the links below to register. Registration Deadline: August 16, 2024